易樂買 (香港)
Tombacco - Rosso Sicilia D.O.C. 0,75 L (2016)
  • 品牌: Tombacco
  • 型號: VK10219209
  • 庫存狀態: 有現貨

  • HK$390.00


Rosso Sicilia D.O.C. 0,75 L (2016)

REGION: Sicilia, Italy (產區:意大利 ‧ 西西里)
Type: Red (紅葡萄酒)
Vintage: 2016 (年份)
Awards & Honours 獎項及榮譽: Decanter World Wine Awards 2021 Silver ; International Wine Challenge 2021 Bronze.

Grapes variety: 85% Syrah ; 15% Cabernet Franc (葡萄品種:85% 西拉 ; 15% 卡本內弗朗)
Alcohol content: 15% (酒精濃度)

Notes The Sicilian sun warms and matures these grapes with their extraordinary character. With slow rhythms and just a few gestures these gifts of nature are transformed into an intense, aromatic and soft ruby red nectar, enclosed in a jewel of a bottle. An organic wine that's out of the ordinary.

Colour: Deep ruby red with light garnet hues.
顏色: 深寶石紅色,帶有淺石榴石色調。

Bouquet: Elegantly fruity of cherry and plum, small spirited red fruits, light presence of vegetal tones of Mediterranean zones, myrtle and juniper berries. Hints of pepper and bent nuances. The toasted notes of sweet spices, cocoa, tobacco, mint and graphite are well present.
香味: 優雅的櫻桃、李的果香和紅色水果香氣,帶有淡淡的桃金孃和杜松子等地中海植物香味。隱約呈現胡椒、甜香料、可可、煙草、薄荷和石墨的香料香味。

Flavour: Mouth of great thickness, soft and at the same time pleasantly fresh. Good tannins in balance with a discreet flavour. Mineral finish and refreshed by balsamic sensations.
味道: 厚實,柔軟,欲清新宜人。良好的單寧酸與低調的味道,兩者相得益彰。礦物質與香脂,令味道有煥然一新的感覺。

Temperature serving: 18°C (最佳飲用溫度)

Food Pairing: The perfect match is an elaborate, spicy and wild meat, as was used in Roman bacchanals. A compless wine, it is also recommended alone, in meditation with the company of a breeze.
配搭食物: 完美的搭配精緻、辛辣和狩獵的肉類,就像古羅馬酒神使用的酒一樣。它是一款完整的葡萄酒;也推薦單獨飲用,陪伴在微風的寂靜之中。

Tombacco 酒莊位於意大利四面環海的西西里島。原是生產桃子的農場,到了 1919 年,意識到土地的性質,將公司業務變為釀酒,把農莊內最古老的葡萄藤轉化為優質葡萄酒。經父子兩代的一步一步地發展,於 1960 年代擴大酒窖和創建物流倉庫,後來更收購 Agricola Trevisana,因此擴展 Tombacco 的莊園。2005 年後,隨著第三代的接管,開始朝著質量的增長。在世界市場上,更整合其品牌,迎合可持續生產發展的未來之旅。兩年後與 47 Anno Domini 等酒莊合作,成立行政組織,目標是將品牌的家族傳統及典型工藝,和現代創新技術相結合,放眼於未來的發展。

官方網頁: https://www.rinomatatombacco.it

『 根 據 香 港 法 律 , 不 得 在 業 務 過 程 中 , 向 未 成 年 人 售 賣 或 供 應 令 人 醺 醉 的 酒 類 。 』
* Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.


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